Eyelid Surgery – Blepharoplasty in Auckland New Zealand

what is eyelid surgery - blepharoplasty auckland - Dr Mark Gittos Best Plastic Surgeon NZ

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, medically known as Blepharoplasty refers to a surgical procedure that improves the shape of the eyelids and reduces sagging eyelid skin. Dr Gittos offers Upper Eyelid Lifts, Lower Eyelid Lifts and Eyelid LIfts of Both Upper and Lower Lids.

This surgery is all about reducing the aging effect of drooping “hooded” upper eyelids and the all too familiar lower eye lid ‘bags’ that can make you look perpetually tired. The cause is an excess of skin and underlying fat and both these areas can be significantly improved using the right procedure, giving a more open, alert and fresh appearance to the eye.

  • An Upper Blepharoplasty removes the excess or stretched skin of the upper eyelid to reduce a puffy, ‘hooded’ eyelid appearance.
  • A Lower Blepharoplasty can help surgically reduce under-eye ‘bags’ and provide improvements to under-eye wrinkles, lines and puffiness.

Download Dr Mark Gittos’ Guide to Eyelid Lift Surgery – Blepharoplasty

Guide Blepharoplasty

Am I a Good Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

  • Do you have droopy eyelids that leave you looking tired or drained?
  • Do you have puffy under-eye ‘bags’ or fat deposits under your eyes?
  • Is your vision impaired due to sagging upper eyelid skin?
  • Do you have difficulty putting on eye makeup or seeing your eyelashes?
  • Do you have excess skin or fine wrinkles around your lower eyelids that cause you to look older than you actually are?

If so, you may be a good candidate.

Watch Dr Gittos Explain Upper Eye Lid Surgery

What are the Benefits of Eyelid Surgery?

  • Refreshed, more youthful eye appearance
  • Reduced under-eye bags
  • Baggy, puffy skin below your eyes can give you a tired, fatigued appearance.
  • Fewer visible fine lines
  • Improved vision
  • Confidence from physical improvements achieved from Blepharoplasty Surgery

Watch Dr Gittos explain Lower Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery Before and After photos – real patient

Eyelid Lift Before and After Photos Patient Result - Best Eyelid LIft Surgeon NZ

Visit our Auckland clinic to see more of our actual patient photos in our blepharoplasty gallery

The Blepharoplasty Surgery procedure

The exact surgical procedure for a Blepharoplasty will vary from patient to patient. Your Surgeon will customise your procedure depending on your concerns and the condition of your eyelid area.

In general, the following steps may be involved during Eyelid Surgery:


A Local Anesthetic and/or General Anaesthetic will be administered for your comfort during surgery. The specific type of Anaesthesia selected for your eyelid surgery will depend on the type of procedure you have selected, surgical facility and recommendations of your Surgeon.


Incisions for Eyelid Surgery are often strategically placed so that scarring is likely to be concealed within the natural structures of the eyelids. Incision placement often varies from patient to patient and will depend on which procedure you have selected.


Eyelid incisions are usually closed with sutures (a row of stitches). These sutures are generally removed within 5-8 days following your surgery, will it hurt?


The results of your Eyelid Surgery will appear gradually as swelling and bruising subside to reveal a more defined and rejuvenated eyelid area. It is important that you follow your Surgeon’s advice during your recovery.


Complications and Risks of Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery incurs risks and complications like all invasive surgery. Your surgeon will make you aware of potential complications at your consultation. This may include general anaesthesia, bleeding or infection, wound healing, scarring, redness, itchiness and numbness. Always stay informed, ask questions, do not smoke before or after your procedure and read and understand your risks.

Recovery from Eyelid Surgery

recovery from eyelid surgery - blepharoplasy Auckland - Dr Mark Gittos Best Plastic Surgeon NZ

Post-surgery healing and recovery times from Eyelid Surgery can vary significantly from person to person.

The length of your healing period will depend on your specific procedure and be influenced by other health and lifestyle factors.

In general, however, allow 4-6 weeks for initial recovery following your surgery. Scar maturation often takes longer, up to a year or more.

Good results depend on a collaborative approach and a healthy lifestyle; so be sure you follow the specific instructions given to you by your Surgeon, and attend all post-operative appointments, and allow adequate and proper healing time.

More About The Eyelid Surgery Procedure

Eyelid surgery usually requires a general anaesthetic. With the upper eyelids, your surgeon will carefully ensure that the incision is concealed in the natural crease above your eyelashes. If there is some fat contributing to the ‘hooded’ effect that will be removed to help restore a youthful and fresher eyelid contour.

With lower eyelids, incisions are either made in the skin crease just below the eyelashes (subciliary approach) OR are hidden behind the lower eyelid (Trans conjunctival approach).

The amount of skin removed is usually quite small. With the lower eyelid blepharoplasty the main emphasis is on fat redraping to abolish the tired looking fat bulges and to fill in the hollow “tear troughs” where the lower lids join the upper cheek as a semi-circular groove.

This restores a youthful contour and the healthier looking lower eye lid-cheek appearance that you want.

Recovery after Eyelid Surgery

Your face may (but not always) look a little bruised and feel tender after the operation, so cold packs are placed over your eyes for comfort. It will take a couple of weeks for any swelling to settle down, and while there is not a lot of discomfort afterwards we’ll make sure you have appropriate painkillers and eye drops-ointment during your recovery.

Most people go home the same day after the Upper Lid Blepharoplasty operation. We prefer one night stay for the Lower Lid patients as they require closer observation post operatively.

You should take a week off work and avoid strenuous activities for at least six weeks.

Eyelid Surgery

Cost of Eyelid Surgery in Auckland

The cost of surgery depends on a number of factors, such as your Surgeon’s level of expertise and the condition of your eyelid area meaning the price for eyelid surgery in Auckland can vary quite a lot. We take a look at your specific needs in great detail at your consultation.

We also provide information on Blepharoplasty, Private Health Insurance and different methods of payment.

Further Reading – Medical reference

About Dr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – New Zealand Plastic Surgeon 

Practice locations in Herne Bay Auckland, Northland and Bay of Plenty – Kerikeri, Whangarei, New Plymouth & Tauranga

Dr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in Herne Bay, Auckland and in the UK. The practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.

Dr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in BreastBody and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years.  With worldwide expertise Dr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women. 

Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.


Please NOTE: Dr Gittos only performs surgery on non-smoker patients with a BMI less than 30. To check your BMI please visit the NZ Heart Foundation website. For help giving up smoking before surgery visit the Smoke Free website

Do your Research

What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation

  • Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
  • Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
  • Dress in simple clothes as you may need to undress for examination
  • Bring your medical referral and any relevant medical documents or test results

Book your Initial Surgery Consultation

  • A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
  • Email us or Call on 09 529 5352 to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
  • Book a consultation with Dr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee – $350 incl GST

Traveling for Surgery? – Consider post-surgery luxury recovery in a Hotel with LuxeCare

Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.

Send an enquiry form today or phone  09 529 5352  during Clinic Hours